• Solutions for foster care agencies allow entering PCPs for DSS, tracking foster parents and facilities, and upload of the foster care chart so that your foster care records can be fully electronic.

Barnestorm Electronic Health System


Electronic Health Records

Fully electronic health record for many types of providers, including  CAP, PCS, foster carehome health, hospice, and more!

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Many features to ensure your records are safe and fully electronic so that you don't have to worry about ever losing your documentation.

HIPAA-compliant web hosting, GPS clinician-tracking app with Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), and Cloud documents, all fully integrated with electronic health records and billing.

Reimbursement Experts

If you're not getting paid for EVV, we can help--contact us at customersupport@barnestorm.com so we can solve your issues and get you paid!

Our Providers


Integrated EVV, electronic records for health providers of all kinds, batch EVV upload to Medicaid MCOs, Employee tracking.

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Foster Care

Track foster parents & facilities, upload all foster care documents to the Cloud, integrated DSS forms, batch billing for MCOs, and more...

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Medicaid Services

Direct connection to Medicaid for billing and remittance, patient scheduling and tracking, and more...

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Home Health & Hospice

Medicare-compliant enterprise-level EHR and billing application...

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Barnestorm support resolves 98% of calls and chats in 10 minutes or less!

We answer your chats and calls immediately, and all of our staff are located in North Carolina and have a minimum of 10 years of experience in home health, so the person who answers the phone can actually answer your question!

Barnestorm Gets Perfect Score on Customer Service!

Association of Home Care and Hospice (AHHC) conducted a survey of home health, personal care, and hospice providers, collecting information about software vendors. Check out how Barnestorm compares to the others on Customer Support and Reports.

We'd be happy to provide you with a referral so you can hear directly from one of our happy customers!



"We are completely paperless for our Medical Records! 

Since July 2009, we've been paperless, and couldn't have done it without the ongoing advice and tech support of the Barnestorm staff. 
If we describe our needs, the Barnestorm team can often propose a reasonable solution.  Our agency has benefited tremendously and enjoys very high patient satisfaction and quality care as a result of efficiencies of Barnestorm software. 
Staff satisfaction too is remarkable; they appreciate having so much at their fingertips."
Diane Stuckey
RN, BSN, Administrator, AlternaCare Home Health Services, Inc.

"The Barnestorm support staff are a wonderful bunch of people and have been so helpful to me.

They personally have gone above and beyond to help me learn the billing world, even when it didn't pertain to a Barnestorm issue. 
I started doing billing for Native Angels Home Health, and anytime I've needed assistance, Barnestorm was only a live chat or phone call away. The whole Barnestorm staff is awesome!
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for everything you guys do.”
Kelly Walker
Billing Coordinator, Native Angels Home Health, Inc.

"Barnestorm POC software  saves 30-40% in time that would be required to recopy data and be in compliance.

The other day when I finished an admission in 60 minutes, which would have taken 90 minutes or more manually. On the way back to the office, I passes over a bridge that collapsed 15 minutes later. Well, it looked like it was going to collapse maybe 15 minutes after I passed over it. ”
Jim Wood
RN, Nash County Home Health
"Two years ago I inherited the job of billing for home health, without any formal training. 

Just one click away from Barnestorm, and they would guide me through each step.

One month I had not received payment and I was near tears, and I called Barnestorm and they connected to my computer and helped me for 2 or 3 hours to see what I needed to do.
Without Barnestorm's staff, I would probably be unemployed now. Thanks!”
Judy Bledsoe
Biller, Stanly County Home Health

Get started with electronic health records backed by superior customer support!
