EHR for Home Health & Hospice
Barnestorm's enterprise-level Home Health Software allows fully compliant documentation for Medicare and HMOs, including 485s and OASIS. Documentation flows into billing to Medicare, Medicaid and Private Insurance as well as electronic remittance posting to accounts receivable.
- Fully web-enabled: all software updates are performed seamlessly online and are fully transparent to the user. We have a server-based option for those with in-house IT staff, or a hosted option for a completely web-based office.
- Quick data entry of basic patient info, designed to eliminate as much typing as possible
- 485s can be printed on HCFA forms or on plain paper
- Patient admissions, initial 485s, and start of care OASIS from tablet PC computers in the patient's home
- Physician's telephone orders can be printed and tracked, with the information available each night on laptops for on-call nurses
- 485s can be tracked through the review, data entry, mailing and return process
- Up to 999 pre-written blocks of text can be inserted into the 485, speeding up and standardizing the process of writing orders and goals
- Bills can be printed on the UB-92 or the HCFA-1500
- HIPAA-compliant electronic claims can be transmitted in batches to Medicare and Medicaid
- Medication database of 2500+ drugs, nutrients, lotions, etc. used to print patient medication profiles and instruction sheets from the information in the 485
- Patient reports include several formats of patient lists; statistics by age/race/sex, length of stay, discharge reason; counts by zip code or geographical area code
- Electronic remittance advice processing for Medicare and Medicaid payments and adjustments
- Accounts receivable reports include detail of billing transferred to A/R, balance forward bills and statements, totals for month/quarter/year by ledger categories, 30-60-90 by patient or payor, month-to-month balance totals
- Paperless-capable: you choose how much paper you want to use as part of your process. Barnestorm allows you to select whether or not to be paperless for each step in your home health process, end-to-end.
- Payor reports include detailed ledgers of charges by patient and date; several visit, time, and revenue statistics
- Supplies, home infusion therapy, enteral feedings, and other non-visit charges can be handled per item or per event
- Utilization statistics by ICD code or ICD category or by HHRG
- Visit entry allows for many different charge rates, including negotiated contract rates
- Supply inventory can be maintained through employee supply requisitions
- Quick and simple entry of employee mileage and non-visit time
- OASIS-B1 Data Entry and Export: The OASIS data is easily integrated, whether you use HAVEN, OASIS Genie, or Barnestorm to key it in, which makes PPS billing and tracking very simple to use.
- PPS Tracking system to automatically keep track of orders, OASIS, visits, RAPs and End of Episode claims
- PPS cost vs. income per episode and per HHRG
- Medicare RAP and end-of-episode payments can be posted electronically, and the system automatically calculates LUPA, PEP, SCIC, outlier and insufficient therapy visits adjustments.
- PPS cost reports
- Bereavement tracking includes creating contacts, a custom default schedule, schedule items specific to the patient, volunteer tracking including names, mileage, and time, and donations tracking that connects to A/R.